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AWS Monitoring from the WatchMyDC® Dashboard
WatchMyDC® supports AWS monitoring along with the on-premise infrastructure. This article provides a guideline of adding services for AWS monitoring in the WatchMyDC® Dashboard.
Customers need to integrate the AWS account with WatchMyDC® prior to adding the services. Please follow this document for a guideline.
Known Limitations
1. WatchMyDC® does AWS monitoring through the AWS CloudWatch service. AWS Services compatible with the AWS CloudWatch are also compatible with the WatchMyDC®.
2. WatchMyDC® Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Services integration are on the roadmap.
AWS Monitoring Procedure
01: Add Regions & Services
- Log in to the WatchMyDC® Dashboard
- Then, navigate to ‘Operations‘ > ‘Configuration Center‘ > ‘Cloud Services‘ > ‘AWS‘
- Then, navigate to ‘Services‘
- Then, click on ‘Add New Region‘ and add a Region from the discovered Region list by clicking on ‘add‘ next to Region name (example: ‘eu-west-1‘)
- It will create a menu of services on the panel with the title of the selected Region (i.e. ‘eu-west-1’)
- Finally, click on ‘Add New Services’ from the dropdown in the menu (example: EC2 or S3)

02: Add Metrics
- Navigate to ‘Observability‘ > ‘Monitoring‘ > ‘Cloud Services‘ > ‘AWS‘. Services added on STEP 01 will be seen here as Icons with the fields:
- Service Name
- Alarms Detected
- Metrics Under Observation
- Related Number of Playbooks
- Then, click on ‘Details‘ for a service, the primary drawer should appear sliding from right
- Then, click on ‘Edit‘ and then ‘Add‘, the secondary drawer should appear.
- Thereafter, add one or more of below four types of cards by clicking on the plus icons, it will amend configurable card details.
- Pie Chart
- Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- Num/Text
- Then, provide a user defined ‘Title:‘
- Then, select the ‘Dimension‘. Each dimension represents a service instance.
- Then, select the ‘Metric name:‘ from the list of populated list as provided by the cloud service provider, example: AWS CloudWatch Service.
- Thereafter, click on the ‘tick icon‘ to save the metric, the secondary metrics drawer will close.
- Finally, click on the ‘Save‘ button on primary drawer. The added cards with loaded metric information & data will be displayed on the primary drawer.
- Now, click anywhere on the screen to close the primary drawer.
- Then, click on the service ‘Details‘ button anytime to observe the configured metrics.

When the configuration is completed, customers can monitor both of their on-premise and AWS infrastructure from a single dashboard.