Utility prices have gone out of control recently, and the war is to blame. Every firm is in a bind due to the unmanageable inflation rate. WatchMyDC can assist your company in lowering utility costs by clever power consumption management.
As observed in most workplaces, except those with 24×7 operations, employees work for 7.5 to 8 hours a day. Which does mean, the workplaces are empty for:
- 16 hours a day
- On the weekends &
- public holidays
Usually, their used endpoints are left switched on 24×7. Every endpoint uses energy even when it is not in use. By turning off unused devices, businesses can save energy use by more than 60%. Before the start of the workday, these devices can be restarted.
How WatchMyDC manages power cycle management in PoE network?
WatchMyDC is embeds with a powerful automation engine. You can create scheduled workload in the WatchMyDC for below events:
- Shutdown / power-off required switch ports after 30 minutes of employees leaving the workplace
- Restart / power on all those switch ports 30 minutes before employees started reaching the workplace
WatchMyDC can managed most of the industry OEM managed switches for automation. Remember, WatchMyDC is Ansible powered.

If any employee needs the desk phone and the WiFi?
Your employees can always switch on the phones and WiFi APs by simply texting from WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. A chatbot-powered social platform can trigger WatchMyDC to perform needed operations on demand.
For example:
Employee: Hey switch on my IP Phone
WhatsApp: Please tell your phone number
Employee: 212
WhatsApp: Request has been sent, can I help you more?
Let’s take a few examples:
- Cisco/Avaya IP Phone consumes 3.9W (at least) when idle.
- Cisco Catalyst 9800 WiFi AP saves only 20% power on power save mode.
Imagine a 5000 employees enterprise, how much power can they save each day? That’s significant, isn’t it?
Talk to us to discover how WatchMyDC can help on your PoE power consumption management.